This was a million dollar knock down rebuild…all except the front facade any way…the council had heritage feelings for it which required it to be maintained….the solution…the complete front wall was picked up and stored at the side of the site so that work could proceed on the main building and near the conclusion the facade was lifted back in place and then rebuilt with new timber board by board….you can see the architects touch by the front door where the originals boards were refixed and not painted a new. The basement in this house was dug out of rock and required extensive perimeter drainage with auto pump out to dispose of the continual under rock seepage. Height and shadowing were a concern for neighbours hence you see the flat butyl clad roof with high level perimeter windows as most of the first floor is in the space of the previous pitched roof of this workers cottage This job had a few issues between architect and owner…the owner late in the piece wanting shadowline door trim instead of usual architraves. The architect having specified the whole job in treated pine [ to deal with any ant problem] which is lucky to have a straightness factor of no better then 10mm in 2meters doesn’t lend itself to a good finish….steel stud tracking should of been used as framing members to produce a satisfactory shadow line finish……..if the architect or builder had been informed of this requirement before the build, then these problems could of been eliminated. This is a good example of build as you go by client [mind changing ]causing issues upsetting themselves, architect and builder
Archives: Projects
Bought in 1995 for $185K sold in 2000 for $545. Most of this was capital gain of the rising market in this time era, however the owners did add significant value here by increasing floor space at minimal cost and so achieving a record sale price for a property in llewelyn street If you look closely the original gable ends now are fitted with glass and in the rear side of the roof which has not been lifted has opening velux skylights. The ceiling space has been converted to 3 beds and a ensuite in a manner which has kept the original feathures complety in tact.
This is an interesting one….it was saved from the banks sheriff in the nick of time…the owners instead of being on the street were relocated into a modern 2 bed villa close by with a deposit in the bank for their next purchase after they re-established themselves with new jobs. As you can see this is a property which got it over the owners in terms of property maintenance, landscaping as well as mortgage maintenance This property has a complete minimalistic make over also enclosing the external deck for the new living room..the new owners have now added their own deck to the living room now that council has relaxed DA requirements for this type of building element. See pictures ……..they tell their own story
This property was bought by the owner as a deceased estate with a timber rear decking somewhat in this style..but it had to be demolished as it was in a dangerous condition. The brick front section was pretty sound structurally except for front deck.
The internals were stripped out and an architect & engineer employed to bring the building back to its old character
Every house tells a storey and this one is no exception. This one started as a corner block with an existing home and an adjoining run down shop frontage with a garage over.
This property was picked up by a would be self taught home hany women renovator. She subdivided the block and did some superficial renovations to the existing cottage and sold this one off to finance a new in character dwelling on the old work shop site. I got involved in the clearing the remanents of the old workshop…there was a few weeks work there with our 5T excavator with hammer and grabs getting rid of the enclosed concrete garden beds and thousands of meters of electrical wiring…apparently the previous owner was an old german garbo worker with a bit of cash cropping on the side. We built this one to lock up stage to the owners specification…and as you can see she has turned out a sight for sore eyes. Basement existing was turned into garage/ laundry/ in law accomodation, ground floor double brick and first floor brick veneer. With a section 96 we were able to squeeze in another bedroom to the roof space. External completely rendered with decorative trims .Traditional slate roof installed by Sydney’s best slate tradie.
A budget was definetly kept in mind doing this could of easily spent $70k on the 4 level staircase but it was done for less than half that cost with careful shopping. Sold 2007 for about $1.7…..the build was about $500 so she made a pretty penny on this one.
Interior designer practised her own skills to make a kill here.
What you see here is a shared easement used for access for four properties. We did a renovation to the rear of the new building which you can see has the new roller door.
The renovation consisted of new bath , kitchen, living, deck and garage. The boards drainage mains ran under the new garage footprint so we were required to encase these as a first step at no small expense [about 10k].
The client was required at his expense to do a new driveway on the easement to the far boundary of his property for the benefit of all 4 owners. There is no cost sharing as with new fences to adjoining properties.
Rear patio already demolished and boards sewer already encased with piers along side